Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Meshed Up!

Hair: Anaphora - Toni [Onyx]
Glasses: [[SHADE THRONE]] - Diabolita 2 Sunglasses [black & White]
Nose Piercing: Cobrahive - N Horn
Necklace: Rozoregalia - Belial Necklace
Hoodie: Krova - Cold Contrast Hoodie (*Mesh item)
Gloves: Tonk Tastic - Fingerless Gloves
Jeans: Reel Tees - Classic Jeans [Shadow] (*Mesh item)
Shoes: 2Real - Pro_Spec 1.2

Now that mesh is out I thought I would put together an outfit incorporating it. There are many differences between mesh and sculpted items but the most obvious ones are both quality and the way the item fits your avatar. Instead of having a separate sculpted attachment for the hood, bottom of jacket, left and right cuff you now have one crafted piece that fits and contorts to your avatar perfectly.

*You MUST have the latest mesh enabled viewer to view mesh, if you don't you will see nothing more then a big prim hanging off your avatar. My personal preference is Firestorm 3.0 which you can download here.

I too was a die hard phoenix fan, I loved the version 1 layout but I must say Firestorm 3.0 isn't THAT much different. It does take a bit of option fiddling to get it back to a phoenix feel but it can be tamed just be patient. As more and more updates become available older viewers will become obsolete and useless so it's best to jump in the viewer 2 pool now.


  1. Hehe thanks! :D I kinda wanted something that showed the complexity of mesh's movement while sticking to an urban theme ^^
